Balalayeva E. Didactic risks of e-learning tools application. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 4 (16). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (16)

Discussion platform


Didactic risks of e-learning tools application

Balalayeva Elena
Senior Lecturer at the Chair of the Ukrainian and Classic Languages of National Institute of Bio-Resources and Environment Management of the Ukraine
(Kiev, Ukraine)
e-learning tools
didactic principles
didactic risks.
Abstract: the article deals with the negative aspects of e-learning tools application referring to the risks arising from the implementation of the basic didactic principles, such as: scientificity, accessibility, perception and activity, etc. Didactic risk is interpreted as the predicted characteristics of a potential situation in learning, that might take place while using training aids and have a negative influence on the educational process. The probability of such risks is significantly increased in distance education, when students do not have regular direct contact with teachers, whose functions are partially transferred on e-learning tools, consequently, the requirements to their didactic potential are being increased. The purpose of the article is to analyze the didactic risks and research the ways to minimize them. To achieve the set goal, a complex of methods were used, such as: analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature in order to study the problem and to compare various points of views on the problem, induction and deduction to determine cause-and-effect relations between the processes of e-learning tools application and the occurrence of didactic risks, as well as synthesis and generalization methods. The article is of interest to educators, who are engaged in the study of the problems of designing and developing e-learning tools, improving their efficiency in various education systems.
Paper submitted on: 09/19/2016; Accepted on: 11/29/2016; Published online on: 12/20/2016.

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