Rudneva A. New quality preschool education and the readiness f the system of additional education for human resource development. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 4 (16). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (16)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


New quality preschool education and the readiness f the system of additional education for human resource development

Rudneva Aleksandra
the research associate of the Federal State Budget Research Institution «Institute of education management, Russian Academy of education»
(Moscow, the Russian Federation)
preschool education
teachers training development
training professional educational programs
additional professional education.
Abstract: in the article the state of the further training system for pre-school teachers on the example of the Central Federal district of the Russian Federation is analyzed. The author pursues the aim to consider the direction and completeness for pre-school teachers professional training services in accordance with the normative documents and regulations of the pre-school learning system, keeping in line with key trends and needs of the modern pre-school education development. The data for the pre-school teachers professional training were obtained as a result of the analysis of the information taken from open sources (the Internet resources of development institutions education and training institutions) of the 18 subjects of the Central Federal district of the Russian Federation. The content of the further training programs for administrators of educational institutions, teaching staff and support staff of pre-school education organizations served as the basis for the conclusions offered by the author. The topics of more than 280 programs designed for up to 150 hours, and the content of more than 50 courses presented in the curriculum were analyzed. The analysis was made in order to identify the compliance of further teachers training educational directions with the leading tendencies of the modern pre-school education. The materials and conclusions presented in the article may be of interest for the organizers of the further training in the system of additional pre-school education and for researchers engaged in the study of pre-school education.
Paper submitted on: 10/20/2016; Accepted on: 11/26/2016; Published online on: 12/20/2016.

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