Nikitina N., Romanova E., Grebennikova V. Qulimetry and educology in continuous peofessional training for socionomic specialists: multidisciplinary approach. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 4 (16). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (16)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Qulimetry and educology in continuous peofessional training for socionomic specialists: multidisciplinary approach

Nikitina Natalya
D.Sc., Full Professor
the Outstanding Educator Award RF, Professor at Chair of Social Pedagogic, Leading researcher of Scientific-educational Center of the Research Institute of Perspective Tends and Technologies of the Russian State Social University
(Moscow, Russia)
Romanova Elena
D.Sc., Full Professor
Docent at the Chair of Mathematics and Informatics, Senior researcher of Scientific-educational Center of the Research Institute of Perspective Tends and Technologies of the Russian State Social University
(Moscow, Russia)
Grebennikova Veronika
D.Sc., Full Professor
the Head of the Chair of Pedagogic and Psychology, the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogic, Psychology and Communicative Science of the Kubansky State University
(Krasnodar, Russia)
professional education
multidisciplinary approach
socionomic specialists
Abstract: At the present stage of continuous professional training development for specialists of socionomic ("helping") professions (such as social pedagogues, social workers, psychologists, experts in social work, doctors and lawyers for social services, tutors, social pedagogues, etc.,) new ways for improving the educational institutions performance engaged in recurrent training are being actively looked for. One of these ways is the development and realization of the content-related and technological basis of the qualitative management processes in professional training of the socionomic profile specialists on the foundation of conceptual educology positions. The purpose of the article is to consider the variative (multidisciplinary) approach to the feasibility of the theoretical and methodological foundations of qualimetry and educology for continuous professional training of socionomic specialists within the system "College – University – Postgraduate Education". The authors present the original interpretation of the concept of qualitative control of continuous management in professional training. Special attention is focused on the eductologic aspects of the design and implementation of the quality management system for recurrent professional training of socionomic specialists. The substantial characteristics of various approaches to the definition of professional education quality, such as subject-oriented, result-oriented, value-oriented, administrative-oriented, market-oriented, benchmarking, and others are presented in the article. The qualimetric and mathematical models of quality assessment in the system of postgraduate education are considered. The results of investigation might be applied in professional training for socionomic specialists.
Paper submitted on: 11/10/2016; Accepted on: 11/16/2016; Published online on: 12/20/2016.

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