Frayssinhes J. Mathetics: transdisciplinary concept of learning in digital networks. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 1 (13). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (13)

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning


Mathetics: transdisciplinary concept of learning in digital networks

Frayssinhes Jean
professor, associated research fellow of United Research Group on Education, Professional Training, Work, Knowledge of the University of Toulouse II -Le Mirail
(Toulouse, France)
digital networks
open distance learning
Abstract: the article presents the theoretical foundation of net learning mathetics being considered on trandisciplinary base and argues the instruments, guaranteeing success in distance learning comparable with that of full-time learning. Mathetics as a science about knowledge (self-directed knowledge) is contradicted to classic didactics as a science of teaching. Developing the ideas expressed by T. Gilbert, V. Colberg, E. Morin, B. Nicolescu, S. Papert, the author analyzes and specificates a set of key concepts and principles for trancdisciplinary comprehension for the nature both of general and special mathetics, specified for learning in digital networks. Among them are the following: complexity, effectiveness, principles of complex thinking, technology of human efficiency. The conclusions were based on the outcomes presented in thesis written by the author. The outcomes were obtained on a sample selection of 620 people; all of them have successfully completed distance learning course with minimum grades 12 out of 20; the outcomes also include new data on cohorts of learners 400 people in total. The author outlined the indicators studied by way of testing. The indicators were correlated with appropriate structural elements of science learning in digital network. The article reveals and consequently describes eight elements, forming mathetics, they are: neuro-pedagogy, meta-cognition/reflection, styles of teaching, self-learning, motivation, attention span, efficiency, pleasure of learning. The statements and conclusions presented in the article may be of interest for educational methodologists, researches in the domain of educational philosophy and innovation in the field of educational sciences.
Paper submitted on: 02/02/2016; Accepted on: 03/03/2016; Published online on: 03/21/2016.


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