Gormin A. S. Management of personal motivation in the system of teachers training: experience of novgorod institute of education development. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 1 (13). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2016.3067

Issue 1 (13)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


Management of personal motivation in the system of teachers training: experience of novgorod institute of education development

Gormin A S
D.Sc.in Pedagogy
PhD in Psychology, professor at the Chair of Educational Systems Management of Novgorod Institute of Educational Development
(Veliky Novgorod, Russia)
advanced training
systematic-activity paradigm.
Abstract: The problem of how to motivate the school teachers to increase their professional qualification with introduction of new state standards is discussed in the article. The foundation of the suggested conclusions serves the experience of the Novgorod Institute of Educational Development. The author analyses in dynamics the school teachers motivation in the process of course studying. The methods and technologies to strengthen the teachers motivation for professional growth, such as: problem lectures, problem discussions, and case-studies are presented. The author describes the context technology of pedagogues' teaching including three stages: academic learning activities, quasi-professional activities, and professional activities. The recommendations how to conduct a lesson using the systematic-activity approach are given. It doesn't only keep the teachers motivation on a high level, but also increases the motivation for professional growth. The author draws attention to the following teaching techniques: replacement of complicated scientific terminology by the comprehensible one, especially for the practicing pedagogues; the demo-versions of lessons, built in systematic-activity paradigm using creative approach. It is recommended to highlight hew concepts and to correlate them with already known ones, to accentuate the role of the main didactic requirements in the content of activity based approach and to provide the conscientious acquisition of the afore mentioned requirements. Special attention is given to (self)reflection teaching. The article argues 10 didactic requirements necessary to increase the teaching process efficiency and to reach the goals set by the Federal State Educational Standard.
The presented conclusions may be used in the teachers advanced training system.
Paper submitted on: 02/26/2016; Accepted on: 03/01/2016; Published online on: 03/21/2016.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2016.3067