Robotova A. S. Everyday self-learning of university teachers at the stage of professional maturity. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 1 (13). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (13)

Learning throughout the life


Everyday self-learning of university teachers at the stage of professional maturity

Robotova A S
professor of the Department of Pedagogy at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
everyday life
a higher school educator.
Abstract: the goal of the article is to prove that self-learning of an educator at the stage of professional maturity is a substantial vital value and high spiritual need. The author presents self-education not as a discreet process, but as a continuing and everyday phenomenon, activating for a person a free choice of the problems, themes, trends, research areas, art for her/his profound comprehension. In the article a number of advantages of self-learning in comparison with periodical professional training are shown. The absence of compulsion and the lack of impact of borrowed choice in the area of self-learning for an educator with many years of experience is becoming the requirement for motivational sphere enrichment of a person. In the course of this free process a person acquires spiritual life, life as Being. Self-learning is interpreted as a special way of humanitarian practice, in which the higher school educator exercises her/himself in independent comprehension, dialogue, reflection, learning new phenomena, which makes her/his professional activities more creative, and ergo, more attractive. In the article an educator motivation of an everyday self-learning is considered, and the specificity of self-learning of an educator-humanitarian, helping her/him to keep in line with humanitarian ways of cognition is presented. The main methods used are theoretical analysis, self-observation, and self-analysis. The author gives as an example her own long-lasted experience of research used in self learning, which includes the event initiated by the development and introduction of a new electronic course. The main conclusion of the article is that self-learning becomes a necessary component of an everyday life and a condition for continuous knowledge renewal and new inspiration professional search for a higher school educator.
Paper submitted on: 01/30/2016; Accepted on: 02/24/2016; Published online on: 03/21/2016.

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