Pecheransky I. P. Report «FUTURE WORK SKILLS 2020» lifelong education goals (philosophical-pedagogical notes). LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 1 (13). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (13)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Report «FUTURE WORK SKILLS 2020» lifelong education goals (philosophical-pedagogical notes)

Pecheransky I P
associate professor at the Chair of Philosophy of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts
(Kiev, the Ukraine)
lifelong learning
work skills
the future
social intelligence
cross-cultural competency
Abstract: the goal of the article is to debate the main future skills in the lifelong learning context published earlier in the report «Future work skill 2020». The report was issued in 2011 by the independent non-commercial research group «Institute of the Future» (IFTF) which has been busy with future studies for more than 40 years. These skills include sense-making, social intelligence, novel and adaptive thinking, cross-cultural competency, computational thinking, new media literacy, trans-disciplinarily, design mindset, cognitive load management, and virtual collaboration. The report argues that without possessing the above-mentioned skills it would be impossible to have become a successful and competitive professional by 2020. The listed above skills formation and development are presented in the article in correlation with lifelong learning goals. The author highlights the fact that the referred skills will produce the maximum effect under consideration within the post-non-classical educational context as it makes possible profound personal fulfillment and broad use of student’s creative potential on all educational levels during life span. The theory of continuous-oriented education, based on the trans-disciplinary philosophy, theory of information and learned society, and also on the idea of paradigmatic pluralism facilitates the development of future work skills and presents the strategic resource of the third millennium educational civilization. The proposed statements and conclusions are of a prognostic character, and might be of interest for researches in the area of pedagogical philosophy and lifelong learning; for designers of innovation project conception; for managers of professional education and training systems.
Paper submitted on: 02/12/2016; Accepted on: 02/29/2016; Published online on: 03/21/2016.

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