Chechel I. Post-technocratic model of additional professional education (through the example of further professional education for heads of educational institutions). LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 4 (12). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (12)

Discussion platform


Post-technocratic model of additional professional education (through the example of further professional education for heads of educational institutions)

Chechel I
professor at the Institute of Management of Education at the Russian Academy of Sciences professor at the Institute of Management of Education at the Russian Academy of Sciences
post-industrial society; professional development; formal
informal education; head of an educational organization; post-technocratic model; manager professional standard; competence-based approach.
Abstract: the paper examines the modernization of a contemporary system of additional professional education, which aims at ensuring the continuous growth of professionalism among heads of educational institutions at the current stage of dynamic transition to a post-industrial society. The author identifies a number of factors hindering the development of a modern additional professional education system. The study analyzes professional development of a school principal on the basis of a competence-based approach, defines the concepts of competence and expertise, and justifies the importance of professional and personal competencies for a modern educational manager. Furthermore, the author proposes the model of educational manager professional standard, including the key, basic and special competencies.
The author proposes a post-technocratic model of additional professional education for principals of educational institutions in accordance with modern international trends in continuing education and their adaptation to the Russian society, structure and regulatory framework of the Russian education system. Formal, non-formal and informal education is integrated in the system of additional professional education. The article explains the implementation of a post-technocratic model that ensures manager’s continuous professional development.
Paper submitted on: 11/22/2015; Accepted on: 12/10/2015; Published online on: 12/22/2015.

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