2019. № 3 (27). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2019.5024

Issue 3 (27)

Education Management in an open global society



Volkov Valery N.
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
development of education; innovation in education; ratings; measurement of innovation; innovation productivity ratio.
Abstract: the article addresses the actual problem of measuring innovation in education as a means of educational system development. In the course of the analysis, the author highlighted the measurement levels of innovation (international, all-Russian and intraregional) and the practices available at each level. The conditions for measuring innovations in education and their orientation that have been formed in recent decades for each of the levels are indicated; the very possibility of such measurements is proved. The article presents the analysis of the features of innovation activity in the educational system in St. Petersburg in the 2010s. Based on the analysis of the practice of measuring innovations at the intraregional level in the context of the work of regional innovation sites in St. Petersburg an «innovation productivity ratio» is proposed. The coefficient takes into account the delayed nature of the results of educational practices, including innovative ones. It is considered as an integrated tool for measuring innovations, suggesting their assessment is based on the results of regional innovation sites.
Paper submitted on: 06/26/2009; Accepted on: 07/15/2019; Published online on: 09/25/2019.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2019.5024