Pevsner M., Petryakov P. International academy as a source for lifelong education of modern scientists. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 1 (9). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (9)

Education Management in an open global society


International academy as a source for lifelong education of modern scientists

Pevsner M
Vice-President of the International Academy for Humanization of Education, Pro-rector for International Affaires at Novgorod State University, full professor
(V.Novgorod, Russia)
Petryakov P
Head of the Centre for IT in Education and International Communication, head of the Department of Pedagogy, Technology and Crafts at Novgorod State University
(V.Novgorod, Russia)
International Academy
lifelong education
intercultural communication
scientific and educational project
project consortium
bilingual dictionary.
Abstract: using the example of the International Academy for the Humanization of Education (IAHE), the article reveals the role of international academies as the source and resource for lifelong education of modern scientists. The article discusses the characteristics of an international academy as an intercultural environment for the exchange of information and innovative ideas in academic and professional fields. The authors outline the topics of the IAHE congresses, which gave impetus to the modernization of higher and secondary education in different countries, as well as to continuous update of scientific knowledge in the field of education.

The article analyzes the features of intercultural communication within international project teams made up with the Academy members. Moreover, it highlights an important role of scientific and educational projects in the system of lifelong learning, which, due to the stability of their results, contribute to the expansion of a new scientific knowledge application at academic institutions in different countries. Networking between these institutions within a project consortium allows them to integrate their scientific potential and provide a synergistic effect in the scientific and educational process. The authors draw attention to the importance of bilingual dictionaries for the improvement of the Academy members’ linguistic competence in the field of scientific and professional communication.

The article underlines the important socio-political mission of international academies during international tensions. Scientists from different countries, who are committed to the ideals of peace, humanism and democracy, and are willing to preserve the unity of the world and European cultural and educational environment, support this mission.
Paper submitted on: 01/30/2015; Accepted on: 03/13/2015; Published online on: 03/23/2015.

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